Warwick Adeney: Violin Masterclass

Open to AMEB level 5 and above violin students, this masterclass with Warwick Adeney will allow for 6 students to have 30min instruction. Students are encouraged to hang around and observe each other’s lessons.

Warwick Adeney: ~Violin Masterclass~
Warwick Adeney: ~Violin Masterclass~

Open to AMEB level 5 and above violin students, this masterclass with Warwick Adeney will allow for 6 students to have 30min instruction. Students are encouraged to hang around and observe each other’s lessons.

10am - 1pm

Saturday 07 June - 10:00am

Per Student $55.00
Observer $0.00
*a fee of $5 applies per transaction for online bookings.

About ~Warwick Adeney~

Warwick Adeney

Warwick Adeney was born into a large violin-playing family, and studied at the Queensland Conservatorium with a brother and sister. The three siblings joined the Theatre Orchestra in the 80's, and Warwick rose to be concertmaster in 1989, a position he held through the 2001 amalgamation with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra until his retirement in 2023. He now plays and teaches around Brisbane. He and his wife, Michele, a violist, raised nine children who all play and sing. Each week they sing Gregorian chant for a traditional Catholic Mass.
Warwick plays an early eighteenth- century violin, possibly by Carlo Antonio Testore of Venice.

of country

The Empire acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, the Giabal, Jarowair and Western Wakka Wakka peoples, where we work and present stories. We would like to pay respect to the Elders, past and present and to all First Nations peoples.

Artwork: We Are Yuree by Adrian Bauwens

Empire Theatre