Love the arts and want to see it grow and thrive? Here are some ways you can help keep the magic of live theatre thriving.
#Supporting the Arts
The Arts is more than entertainment; it’s a vital experience that enriches and expands lives, provides connection and meaning in our community.
We are a creative nation ; research by the Australia Council for the Arts undertaken directly prior to the pandemic found that *98% of us engage with arts and culture daily in some way, and a *84% of Australians acknowledge the positive impacts of arts and creativity in our lives and in our communities.
Underneath the simple act of heading to the theatre to take in the jokes of a stand-up comedian or the talents of some of our best dancers, singers and actors, there is silver lining of benefits to our community, with positive impacts on the economy, to local tourism, education and child development. It builds connections between different cultures and supports mental health and wellbeing.
An investment in The Empire - whether that is as a patron in our auditorium, as a donor to our Foundation, as an active volunteer or business partner - is an investment in Arts and in the future.
*Australia Council for the Arts research report, Creative Our Future: results of the National Arts Participation survey, 2020
#How can you help?

Show you support through volunteering opportunities. There's perks to being a friend of the Empire.

Donate towards the future of arts through The Empire Theatres Foundation - dedicated to providing opportunities to promising young performers.

Partner with us
Business-to-business, the benefits of supporting the arts just makes sense with all the mutual benefits!