Together with our Board of Directors, our valued partner Toowoomba Regional Council, our sponsors, Empire Theatres Foundation, Friends of the Empire Theatre and our collaborators, contributors and patrons, we strive to ensure that The Empire continues its momentum and exceeds all expectations.
#Board of Directors
Chair: Mr Andrew Wielandt
Company Secretary: Mr Bill Armagnacq
Ms Emily Montgomery
Ms Janelle Fletcher
Mr Jim O’Dea
Mr John Pearson
Mr Kris Stewart
Mrs Suzie Byrnes
#Empire Theatres Foundation Directors
Chair: Ms Janelle Fletcher
Deputy Chair: Dr Kate Foy
Mr Richard Chiverrell
Ms Suzanne Holt
Mr Ian Sharpe
Mr Rob Schatz
#Staff members
General Manager: Giuliana Bonel
Deputy General Manager & Administration Manager: Helen Oldham
Operations & Technical Services Manager: Timothy Panitz
Programs & Engagement Manager: Jeanette Wedmaier
Marketing Manager: Maddison Gangi
Southern Queensland Regional Arts Services Manager: Michelle Blair
Publicist: Sarah Fleming
Marketing Coordinator: Beth Watson
Social Media Coordinator: Stefanie Roberts
Management Support Officer & Foundation Officer: Kate Brennan
Youth Arts Lead: Grace Sankey
Head Of Audio: Steve Alexander
Head Of Lighting: Ben Hunt
Head Of Staging: Robert Darvall
Client Services Lead: Kris Stewart
Production Services Coordinator: Michaela Francis
Visitor Services Coordinator: Jamie Galley
Senior Technician - Audio: Aaron Hannant
Senior Technician - Lighting: Andrew Taylor
Theatre Technician: Lucas Kummerow
Technical Trainees: Ellaryn Gilbert & Brock Alexander
Ticketing Office: Kerry Politch & Ora Whitley
Approximately 50 other casual staff are employed in the Technical and Events departments. Some 200 active volunteer members of the Friends of the Empire Theatre Inc. perform duties including front of house, ushering, ticket collecting and other services.
#Life Members
Mrs Sheena Liley
Mr Col Muller
Mr Merv Bond
Mr Don Stevens
Mr Ross Miller
Prof Peter Swannell (deceased)
Mrs Beris Broderick
Mr Robert Sellars (deceased)
#With Help from our Friends
#Annual Reports

Friends of The Empire Theatre Inc.
An association dedicated to the support of the Empire Theatre’s venues by providing assistance through fundraising activities and a volunteer workforce.

Empire Theatres Foundation
The Empire Theatres Foundation exists to provide performing arts opportunities to further the cultural experiences of young people. By making a tax deductible donation, you will help The Foundation to foster young and talented artists and secure a future for performing arts in the Toowoomba Region.

Empire Youth Arts
Aims to create opportunities for young people from diverse backgrounds in the region, engaging them with the performing arts by offering drama workshops, holiday programs, education resources and the elite youth performance program, IMPACT.