16-20 Years


Toowoomba: Drama Plus

This advanced program is designed for students who want to gain a deeper understanding of their world through drama and performance.

Facilitated by The Empire Youth Arts

 Toowoomba: ~Drama Plus~
 Toowoomba: ~Drama Plus~

#Term One 2025

This advanced weekly program offers a space for young people eager to deepen their understanding of the world through the lens of drama, storytelling and performance. Designed for those ready to refine their craft and go beyond curriculum learning, this collaborative space balance fun and focus to foster creativity, teamwork and industry readiness. In Term 1, students will put their “Yes, and-“ skills into action as we develop our improvisation skills through an array of games and activities.

IMPORTANT: In order to secure your enrolment, please ensure an enrolment form is filled out and your enrolment fee is paid!

Wednesday 05 February - 6:00pm

Wednesday 12 February - 6:00pm

Wednesday 19 February - 6:00pm

Wednesday 26 February - 6:00pm

Wednesday 05 March - 6:00pm

Wednesday 12 March - 6:00pm

Wednesday 19 March - 6:00pm

Wednesday 26 March - 6:00pm

Per Term $270.00
 *a transaction fee of $5 applies per transaction for phone and internet bookings.

Class group will be collected at the front of The Empire Theatre.



of country

The Empire acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, the Giabal, Jarowair and Western Wakka Wakka peoples, where we work and present stories. We would like to pay respect to the Elders, past and present and to all First Nations peoples.

Artwork: We Are Yuree by Adrian Bauwens

Empire Theatre