The Mersey Beatles

The Mersey Beatles (Liverpool, England) perform The Beatles Greatest Hits

Presented by Total Touring

The ~Mersey Beatles~
The ~Mersey Beatles~

# the World’s most authentic and only Liverpool Born Tribute to The Beatles

The Mersey Beatles are the World’s most authentic and only Liverpool Born Tribute to The Beatles and were the resident band at the Cavern Club for a Decade!

From the beautifully designed costumes, replica instruments and that era-defining Mersey sound, The Mersey Beatles stunning live stage show is a gloriously presented hit-packed celebration of The Beatles.

Sunday 17 August - 7:45pm

A Reserve $69.90
B Reserve $49.90
*a fee of $5 applies per transaction for online bookings.

Tribute, Music

Act One 50mins
Interval 20mins
Act Two 40mins

The Mersey Beatles absolutely nail the sound of The Beatles. They have that brilliant ability to get people up on their feet dancing… and John would have loved that!

John Lennon’s Sister, Julia Baird

They perfectly recreate the atmosphere the original Beatles produced. It was just like listening to The Beatles again

The Beatles’ Manager Brian Epstein’s Assistant, Joe Flannery

#Watch a Sneak Peek

#What's on

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of country

The Empire acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, the Giabal, Jarowair and Western Wakka Wakka peoples, where we work and present stories. We would like to pay respect to the Elders, past and present and to all First Nations peoples.

Artwork: We Are Yuree by Adrian Bauwens

Empire Theatre